Friday, 13 April 2007

Tomato soup

Tomes. and more. have and are being written about shaping and consuming earth wind fire water
diagrams would you believe?

Your flush tank. was a tree at some point. and with time it will again turn into one
in between, we sit, brains brimming with thought on how to rip a fellow human off of something he has

X: what have you got that i don't
Y: um... well... there is...
X: give it to me
Y: but i need it
X: no. what you really need is a flush tank that i made
Y: erm... you know.. probably not
Z: here. take my tomatoes and give me the flush tank

A few days later X wants a flush tank too
A few months later the entire town yearns for flush tanks
A few years later there is a commodity market for flush tanks and tomatoes
A few decades later people are killing each other over the river - that will irrigate the tomatoes or cure the flush tank
In 5 decades all people concerned are facked, the stock market lives on
In 7 decades people jump off the 100th storey when the stock market crashes by a few points and land on a truck filled with tomatoes.

Business [biz-nis]: The purchase and sale of greed, jealousy and other juicy desires in an attempt to make a profit