Colonize (v) [kol-uh-nahyz]:
-verb (used with object): Ass f$*k, The US colonized Iraq
-verb (used without object): To settle in the ass, thoughts go to your mind to colonize
Colonization requires energy. if you just sit all day watching TV, you ARE being colonized, but energy is being spent; right from the power to broadcast the signals to crunching the potato chips between your browning teeth.
Thus, we humans have an energy problem.
The problem started when we decided to put our ancestors into turbines. At least one atom in at least one molucule of hydro-carbons that splashes in your fuel tank belonged to one of your ancestors.
There are only so many dead people, and it takes a ridiculous amount of time for one human to become useful to the automobile industry, and not to mention, the sheikhs who cannot believe their good fortune.
The solution: decolonize
Decolonize (v) [dee-kol-uh-nahyz]:
-verb (used with object): to detach from the ass, Mao Tse tung decolonized Nehru in 1962
-verb (used without object): to free from dependency , meditate to decolonize your mind of thoughts
The act of decolonization is gut wrenching, and results in the disintegration of the host organism. which is one step towards powering your automobile.